Muhammad Novil Fahlevy

Backend and Mobile App Developer

I have an interest of the way machines work to serves and manages data which can be used and shared to people by using websites, mobile applications, and another devices. Because of that too, I also interested in Networking and Cloud Computing.


I have brought here all of the projects which I involved in and had done.

SIPPPDEH (Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Perkembangan Politik Daerah)

SIPPPDEH (Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Perkembangan Politik Daerah)

SIPPPDEH, stands for "Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Perkembangan Politik Daerah", or in English is "Regional Political Development Monitoring Information System", is a website for quick count calculation for Pilkada Election 2024 in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. It calculates the votes from each TPSes (the place where people vote their selected leaders) in each city/town in East Kalimantan, actually it calculates the sum of each region level from Kabupaten, Kecamatan, Kelurahan, and the TPSes itself.The mechanism of this website is that the operators of each city must input the votes from each TPSes from the city, and then the votes will be calculated per Kelurahan, Kecamatan, and Kabupaten. The calculated votes being displayed in several forms, for example is as a map, pie chart, bar chart, score bar, and tables.This website was designed only for Pilkada Election 2024 in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, so although there is a page for provinces in the admin panel, the system programatically selects the East Kalimantan province to be calculated. The provinces page is just for future development.My ContributionsI built the input system for operators to input the votes.I built the formula (technically, the views in the SQL) for calculating the votes per regions.

Finished at: December 2024

Kampung Ketupat Web Profile

Kampung Ketupat Web Profile

Kampung Ketupat or Ketupat Village, is a vacation destination in Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. This village is named "Ketupat" because most people there are being a Ketupat maker. Unfortunately, the official hosting of this website is currently shut down so I can't provide the live URL of this website.

Finished at: August 2022



CasualChase is a website that supposed to operates in Australia to help people live in productive working lives. Unlike other job search engines, CasualChase aim to help both employers and employees to find the right candidate and to find a casual job which suits for both parties.

Finished at: April 2022


These are the summary of the technologies I had ever used in my projects.


These are the certificates of all my bootcamps, academies, and courses I had ever finished.


Bangkit Academy 2023 Batch 1: Specializing in Cloud Computing

By Bangkit Academy


2023 Complete Mobile Engineer Career with Flutter

By Alterra Academy


Below is a summary of the places I studied.

Universitas Mulawarman | Information System

2021 - Present I still learn the fundamentals here, but I was introduced to independent studies program made by Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture which I started to learn mobile development and cloud computing from that program. I am also making LMS for my study program practicum.

SMK Negeri 7 Samarinda | Software Engineering

2018 - 2021 Besides from online courses and tutorials, I have been learned the fundamental here.